Saturday, September 02, 2006
Back From Chi-Town...
Well, Erik and I have returned from Chi-Town, the land of wind and rain (at least while we were there). We walked our legs off, but it was so much fun and we saw so many cool things! We got back on Wednesday night, and after getting to bed late, got up and headed back to work. I kinda missed my work peeps so it was good to be back, even if it's back to work. Sooo, now here it is Labor Day weekend and I'm trying my best to fit in some Wedding Planning, visiting with friends and family, working on some freelance design projects and to top it off, just a sprinkle of relaxation. It is the weekend after all!
Check out the Borat trailer and funny cat video below this post. My gifts to you, friends of the blog... More later!
~ amy