Thursday, July 26, 2007
What a Funny Coincidence
Remember the movie 'Troll'? It came out in 1986, and was a pretty cheesy horror movie. I remember renting it on VHS ages ago, at this little video store in Arlington, and my brothers and I watching it repeatedly. Well, something I didn't remember, was the boy's name in the movie - Harry Potter. Erik discovered this little tidbit of pop-culture trivia and passed it on to me for future use.
Jeopardy here I come.
Oh,and Erik asked that I pass this along - He is in need of freelance, so if any of my readership (all 3 of you) need any video work (editing, transfer, duplication, archiving, etc...) or know someone who does, please pass along his info to them, or their info to him. You are all my champions. Well, most of you anyway.
You know who you are. :-)
Erik Clapp